NEW TOWNS - An Anthology of Place Writing
Edited by R.M. Francis:
"We’re defining New Towns by those associated with the New Towns Act 1946, and the subsequent waves of development following the Second World War: the waves of 1946, 1961-64 and 1967-70. These towns were designed to alleviate housing shortages by expanding into the UK’s Green Belt and areas considered “overspill” close to large cities. That said, some already existing conurbations were designated with New Town status during these waves, this included town planning and housing projects in keeping with the design and ethos of the wider projects. This anthology is a glimpse at a handful of sites that all share similar histories, social and cultural make-up, and founding principles." |
NEW TOWNS is an anthology of place writing edited by
R.M. Francis. The collection offers a diverse range of perspectives and forms from established and upcoming writers. How does place impact individual and communal identity? This anthology is a glimpse at sites that all share similar histories, social and cultural make-up, and founding principles. The writers in this collection are Helen Angell, Craig Austin, Jane Burn, Brian Comber, Steve Corton, Sarah Davy, Murdo Eason, Harry Gallagher, Mark Goodwin, Steve Harrison, Sarah James, Alison Jones, Richard Lakin, Laurence Mitchell, Heather Moulson, Marcelle Newbold, Nick Pearson, Finola Scott, Billy Stanton, Rob Walton, Kim Whysall-Hammond.