Six Word Stories
From the prompts below, can you write a SIX WORD story?
"Try it. What could go wrong."
"Try it. What could go wrong."
It Ain’t What You Do ...
Based on the Simon Armitage poem. It’s a reflection on inspiration, really - what is the fuel that fires you? What makes you feel alive? Can you sum it up in a few words? Write an account of the last time you felt that sensation. How do we use that feeling?
Based on the Simon Armitage poem. It’s a reflection on inspiration, really - what is the fuel that fires you? What makes you feel alive? Can you sum it up in a few words? Write an account of the last time you felt that sensation. How do we use that feeling?
Wisdom Wears Burnt Orange
Personification. Take an abstract noun, an emotion or feeling and make it act like a person. What sort of hat does Jealousy wear? Where does Anger go on holiday? What sort of music would Delight listen to?
Personification. Take an abstract noun, an emotion or feeling and make it act like a person. What sort of hat does Jealousy wear? Where does Anger go on holiday? What sort of music would Delight listen to?
What If?
Using photo prompts to ask questions of an image. Dead simple.
Using photo prompts to ask questions of an image. Dead simple.
I See, I Notice, I Wonder
Have a wander round the house and (if the weather is good) the outdoors. See something, notice something about it, wonder something about what you notice.
Have a wander round the house and (if the weather is good) the outdoors. See something, notice something about it, wonder something about what you notice.